The Fayette County GCD requires that all wells be registered (regardless of use). WELLS TO BE DRILLED IN FAYETTE COUNTY WILL REQUIRE A REGISTRATION FORM BE FILED PRIOR TO BEING DRILLED.
Does it cost anything to register my well? There is no charge for registering your well.
What if I need to drill a new well? You must register your new well PRIOR to drilling. Oftentimes, a drilling company will register the well on your behalf but the responsibility falls on the landowner. Check with your driller. In addition, all new wells must comply with, or obtain a variance for, the following rules: Well must be drilled at least 50 feet from the nearest well or property line. To apply for an exception to the minimum spacing requirements you can download a copy of the form below.
What if I purchased property with a well already on it? As the current landowner you are required to file a registration form to show a change of ownership. Transfer of ownership form must be completed.
What does the District do with the information on the registration form and why is it required? State law requires the District to collect information about the wells in its jurisdiction. The District must determine how much water is currently needed and being used by the people of Fayette County, so that it can ensure that District constituents have sufficient water for now, as well as estimate the future needs based on projected growth. Registering a well affords the well owner a certain measure of protection - the District can't consider your water needs if we don't know about your well.
What if I want to use my well for a non-exempt use (such as irrigation or fracking)? A non-exempt well (which is a well that produces more than 25,000 gallons per day or 17.3 gpm) must apply to the District for a well permit prior to drilling the well, along with the registration. There is a $250 fee for the permit and permits may be subject to a public hearing process, after which the Board may approve or deny the permit. Once permit is approved, there is a fee for producing water. Click on the link below to see the District's Deposit and Fee Schedule.
FCGCD Registration Application to drill, operate a water well This is a PDF version but you can click on the Well Registration Application tab at the top of the page to fill out online and submit through the website!!
FCGCD Application for Exception the District Rules
FCGCD Application for a Well Permit
FCGCD Notice to Purchaser